important recipes

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


640 gr butter
2 soupspoons fine sugar
2 eggs (only the yellow thing)
1 flat teaspoon soda or bakingpowder
juice of 1 lemon
1 cup ground almonds
1 glas (shot) ouzo
1 paket vanille sugar
flavour as much as it become a nice dough

mix butter and sugar until it becomes soft
add the egg and mix it well

mix ouzo soda and lemonjuice
and add it to the butter etc.

than add flavour and vanillepowder to get a soft dough
at the end put also the almonds

form them as you like

in the oven for ca. 25minutes on 200°C

after baking (still warm) put one by one in a bol with finesugar

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